A compiler is a computer program which transforms source code written in a programming language to another computer language. Usually compilers transforms source code of a high level programming language to a low level programming language.
Type of compiler that takes source code of a programming language and converts into another language.
Type of compiler that takes source code of a programming language and converts into another language.
Following images shows steps happening in the compilation process
image credit: nocookie.net
Directly executes source code without firstly compiling into a machine language program.
Also see Difference between Compiler, Intepreter and Assembler (quora)
Name Binding
Association of entities with identifiers. Binding is connected is scope, as scope determines which names bind to which objects.
Early/Static Binding
Method is bound at compile time. If a suitable method does not exist, an error will occur.
Late/Dynamic/Virtual Binding
Binding happens at run time.
Dynamic dispatch is process of selecting which implementation of a polymorphic operation (method or function) to call at run time.
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