Friday, March 30, 2018

Artificial Intelligence and Beyond

Artificial Intelligence is not a buzzword nowadays. Instead what we hear mostly today is concepts like machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing (NLP) etc. But one should understand that. This all comes under Artificial Intelligence.

Image Credits: Quora

Artificial Intelligence 

Is the intelligence performed by the machines instead of by humans or other animals by natural intelligence. AI would perceive information it gets, process it gives a better meaning than it previously had. 

Machine Learning

Is how a machine learns to perform a task and gain more information (learn) by looking at the patterns it gets. 

Image Credits: Medium
Deep Learning: is a concept where machine learning creates artificial neural network that can take intelligent decisions on its own. 

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Is how a program process and analyzes large amount of data.

IBM Watson is a question-answering system capable of answering questions in natural language. 

Sentence segmentation is a technique used to identify similar sentences. 


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