Thursday, October 10, 2013

Structural elements in HTML5


Specifies a header for a document or a section. Can have several header elements for a page. You cannot place header tag within a footer, address or another header


Just like header defines a footer for a document or a section. It typically contains author of the document, copyright information etc. You can have several footers


Specifies a independent, self-contained content. It should make sense of its own. You can typically use article element for Forum posts, blog posts, comments etc.


Defines some content aside from the content it is placed in. It should be related to the surrounding content.  Appears in a side


Defines a set of navigational links. Not all links of a document should be inside a <nav> element. It is intended only for major block of navigational links (such as menu). Screen readers for disabled can use this element  to determine whether to omit the rendering of this content.


Defines sections in a document, such as chapters, headers, footers. It's like a div. 

Above I listed basic info about some of the html5 elements. You might be asking yourselves why use html5 elements instead of <div>? These are included in html5 as for the move towards semantic web. Semantic web helps programmers understand the DOM structure better and also allows search engines to have a clear picture about the web page. It also helps screen readers to better parse the content as per there needs.


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